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Math help from the Learning Centre

This guide provides useful resources for a wide variety of math topics. It is targeted at students enrolled in a math course or any other Centennial course that requires math knowledge and skills.

Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic Operations include operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

On top of knowing the operation symbol, it is important to know keywords that imply each operation.

Operation Keywords
Addition sum, sum of, increased by, more than, combined, together, total of, plus, added to, comparatives (e.g., greater than)
Subtraction difference, difference between/of, decreased by, minus, less, less than, fewer than, left, left over, smaller than
Multiplication product, product of, times, multiplied by, factor of, twice, triple
Division quotient, divide, groups of, split, average, ratio of, per

Also note, that addition and subtraction are inverse operations of each other meaning you can find an equivalent question using the reverse operation. 

\(12+20=32\)   and   \(32-20=12\)

Multiplication and Division are inverses of each other.

Example 1

Find the sum of \(321\), \(22\), and \(1345\).


Addition is implied, so \(321+22+1345=1688\)


Example 2

How many groups of eight parts can be found in three hundred thirty-six parts.


Groups of implies division, so \(336\div 8=42\) groups


Example 3

If there are 96 aircraft maintenance technicians working at each terminal and there are 12 terminals, how many technicians are there?


There are 96 technicians in each terminal, and we want to multiply by a factor of 12.

\(96\times 12=1152\) technicians

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