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Math help from the Learning Centre

This guide provides useful resources for a wide variety of math topics. It is targeted at students enrolled in a math course or any other Centennial course that requires math knowledge and skills.

Mental Health Forum


Here at the Learning Centre, we are dedicated to academic development and helping students grow to their greatest potential. Apart from tutoring services, we want to ensure that students feel comfortable enough to seek support with the unusual circumstances that we are all in. Below, you can find resources as well as stories from those that may be experiencing similar stresses as you. Remember that you have a safe place here at Centennial. 

Share your story:

Please take a minute or two to fill out this short survey and let us know how you have been! Your anonymous responses will give us so much insight into how we can help the Centennial community. 




Hear the stories of your peers!

Everyone has a story to share. Here are some anecdotes of positive and negative experiences from your classmates, as well as tips and tricks that have been helping them during this time:

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