Class notes, interviews, telephone conversations and emails are all personal communication:
Citing Personal Communication
Only include an in-text citation in the body of your assignment.
Do not include an entry in the References.
Class notes are considered personal communication and appear only as in-text citations, not in the References.
In-text Citation
(Instructor initials. Instructor Last Name, personal communication, Month Day, Year).
Instructor's Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of presentation in italics: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle [PowerPoint presentation]. Luminate. Login page for Luminate.
Jones, J. R. (2010). Taking a patient's health history: Interview skills for nurses [PowerPoint slides]. Luminate.
In-text Citation
(Instructor's Last Name, Year, Slide #).
Instructor's Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of handout in italics: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle [Class handout]. Luminate. Login page for Luminate.
Jones, J. R. (2010). Health history template [Class handout]. Luminate.
In-text Citation
(Last Name, Year, p. #).
Instructor's Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of handout in italics: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle [Class handout]. Name of School, Centennial College.
Jones, J. R. (2010). Health history template [Class handout]. School of English and Liberal Studies, Centennial College.
(Last Name, Year, p. #).
Treat custom course packs as edited books. You are citing and referencing an article or chapter in the course pack. As the articles and chapters in custom course packs have been previously published, include the original publication date.
Author of the article or chapter Last Name, Initials. (Year course pack published). Title of article or chapter. In Initials. Last Name of course pack editors or complilers (Comps.), Title of custom course pack in italics: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle (Custom ed. for Centennial College, pp. start page-end page). Publisher of the course pack. (Originally published in year)
Ignatieff, M. (2015). Deficits. In F. Gavin, E. Donville, D. Vavrusa, & D. Buchanan (Comps.), Effective reading and writing for COMM 170 and beyond (4th Custom ed. for Centennial College, pp. 213-217). Pearson Learning Solutions. (Originally published in 1993)
In-Text Citation
(Author of the Article Last Name, Original publication year/Year coursepack was published, p. #).
Follow the examples for how to cite your source (book, article, video, etc.), and end the citation with the publisher (Luminate) and the login page for Luminate. Below is an example of how to cite a newspaper article in eReserves.
Author's Last Name, Initials. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of publication. Luminate. Login page for Luminate.
Dewey, C. (2014, November 12). The (one) simple thing fueling your social media addition. The Washington Post. Luminate.
In-Text Citation
(Last Name, Year, para. #).
Author's Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of book. Publisher. Hyperlinked URL
Centennial College, Ahmed, K., Anderton, P., Chapman-Nyaho, S., Kipusi, S., Kokkinias, A. T., Malik, S., Mather, M., McPherson, K., Oladi, S., & Singh, C. (2021). Global citizenship: From social analysis to social action (GNED 500). Centennial College.
In-Text Citation
(Last Name, Year, Section Title section, para. #).
Note: Include the section title (of the paragraph that you are citing) in your in-text citation if you are using a textbook that has no page numbers.