A DOI (digital object identifier) is a unique alphanumeric string that provides a persistent link to the article on the internet. DOIs are used by some journals and ebooks. If your article has a DOI, follow the example below.
Author Last Name, Author initials. (Year). Title of article: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle. Title of Journal in Italics: Capitalize All of the Major Words, Volume number in italics(Issue number), page range. Hyperlinked DOI
Okabe, S., Tauchi, T., & Ohyashiki, K. (2010). Efficacy of MK-0457 and in combination with vorinostat against Philidelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Annals of Hematology, 89(11), 1081-1087. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00277-010-0998-x
In-text Citation
(Author Last Name, Year, p. #).
If there is no DOI available and the article was accessed online, provide the URL.
Author Last Name, Author initials. (Year). Title of article: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle. Title of Journal in Italics: Capitalize All of the Major Words, Volume number in italics(Issue number), page range.
Poole, J., Jivraj, T., Arslanian, A., Bellows, K., Chiasson, S., Hakimy, H., Pasini, J., & Reid, J. (2012). Sanism, mental health, and social work/education: A review and call to action. Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, And Practice, 1, 20-36. https://journals.library.mun.ca/ojs/index.php/IJ/article/view/348
In-text Citation
(Author Last Name, Year, p. #).
Author Last Name, Author initials. (Year). Title of article: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle. Title of Journal in Italics: Capitalize All of the Major Words, Volume number in italics(Issue number), page range.
Decorte, T. (2010). The case for small-scale domestic cannabis cultivation. International Journal of Drug Policy, 21(4), 271-275.
In-text Citation
(Author Last Name, Year, p. #).
Author Last Name, Author initials. (Year). Title of article: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle. Title of Journal in Italics: Capitalize All of the Major Words. Hyperlinked DOI or URL
Miles, L. F., Litton, E., Imberger, G., & Story, D. (2019). Intravenous iron therapy for non‐anaemic, iron‐deficient adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD013084.pub2
In-text Citation
(Author Last Name, Year, p. #).
Author Last Name, Author initials. (Year). Title of article: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle. ERIC. Hyperlinked DOI or URL
Gardner-Neblett, N., Holochwost, S. J., Gallagher, K. C., Iruka, I. U., Odom, S. L., & Pungello, E. P. (2016). Guided versus independent play: Which better sustains attention among infants and toddlers? (ED567230). ERIC. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED567230.pdf
In-text Citation
(Author Last Name, Year, p. #).
Include the volume number, issue number, and page numbers, if provided.
Author Last Name, Author initials. (Year, Month day). Title of article: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle. Title of Newspaper or Magazine in Italics: Capitalize all Major Words, Volume(Issue), page numbers.
Ozanian, M. K., Badenhausen, K., & Settimi, C. (2018). The most valuable hockey teams. Forbes, 201(10), 24.
In-text Citation
(Author Last Name, Year, p. #).
Author Last Name, Author initials. (Year, Month day). Title of article: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle. Title of Newspaper or Magazine in Italics: Capitalize all Major Words. Hyperlinked URL
Saraiya, S. (2020, July/August). Viola Davis: “My entire life has been a protest”. Vanity Fair. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2020/07/cover-story-viola-davis
In-text Citation
(Author Last Name, Year, para. #).
Follow this example if your article comes from a news site that has an associated newspaper.
Author Last Name, Author initials. (Year, Month day). Title of article: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle. Title of Newspaper or Magazine in Italics: Capitalize all Major Words. Hyperlinked URL
Welsh, M. (2018, April 18). Team of Toronto doctors and nurses fill in for personal support staff at nursing homes hit by COVID-19 outbreak. Toronto Star. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2020/04/18/team-of-toronto-doctors-and-nurses-fill-in-for-personal-support-staff-at-nursing-homes-hit-by-covid-19-outbreak.html
In-text Citation
(Author Last Name, Year, para. #).
Follow this example for articles published in online news sources.
Author Last Name, Author initials. (Year, Month day). Title of article: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle. Name of website. Hyperlinked URL
Mark, C. (2020, April 2). Tips on avoiding back pain and injury while working from home. CBC. https://www.cbc.ca/life/wellness/tips-for-avoiding-back-pain-and-injury-while-working-from-home-1.5519774
In-text Citation
(Author Last Name, Year, para. #).
Author Last Name, Author initials. (Year, Month day). Title of article: Capitalize first word in title and subtitle. Title of Newspaper or Magazine in Italics: Capitalize all Major Words, pp. pages.
Becker, J. (2020, August 10). Notes from a virus tracker's log. The New York Times, A8.
In-text Citation
(Author Last Name, Year, p. #).
Not sure how to cite your article that has more than one author? You can find examples of how to create in-text citations and References entries for multiple authors on our General Rules page.
Check out this video on how to cite journal articles.
A DOI (digital object identifier) is a unique alphanumeric string that provides a persistent link to the article on the internet. DOIs are used by some journals and ebooks.
If a DOI is available it will be found with the other publication information on the first page of the article and in the database where you found article.