Indicate the kind of communication (text message, email) in your citation. Personal communication includes any unpublished conversations with person.
Work Cited
Personal Communications
Lastname, First name Initials of Person Communicated With. Personal communication with author. Day Month Year.
Pirzada, Taran. Personal communication with author. 11 Nov. 2021.
Lastname, First name Initials of Person Communicated With. Email to the author. Day Month Year.
Pirzada, Taran. Email to the author. 11 Nov. 2021.
In-text Citation
Work Cited
Speaker's lastname, Firstname Initials. Lecture. Title of Lecture. Date, Location of Lecture.
Jones, Jennifer R. Lecture. Taking a Patient's Health History, 16 Oct. 2016, Centennial College.
In-text Citation
(Instructor lastname).
Work Cited
"Title of Lecture Slides." Title of Course, taught by Instructor’s Firstname initials lastname, Luminate, Centennial College, date of presentation, URL.
"Taking a Patient's Health History: Interview Skills for Nurses." Assessment of the Healthy Individual, taught by Jennifer R. Jones. Luminate, Centennial College, 16 Oct. 2010,
In-text Citation
(Instructor's lastname slide #).
Work Cited
"Title of Lecture." Title of Course, taught by Instructor's Firstname Initials Lastname, Luminate. Centennial College, Date, URL.
"Taking a Patient's Health History." Assessment of the Healthy Individual, taught by Jennifer R. Jones. Luminate, Centennial College, 16 Oct. 2016,
In-text Citation
(Instructor lastname).
Work Cited
Class handout for include Title of Handout or Description of handout if there is no title. Taught by Instructor. Publication Date, College.
Class handout for Taking a Patient's Health History. Taught by Jennifer R. Jones, 16 Oct. 2016, Centennial College.
In-text Citation
(Instructor lastname).
Work Cited
Author's's lastname, Firstname Initials. "Title of Lecture." Course pack for Course code : Title of Course, compiled by instructor Firstname Initials Lastname, Semester, School.
Jones, Jennifer R. "Taking a Patient's Health History." Course pack for NSE-13A: Assessment of the Healthy Individual, compiled by Jennifer R. Jones, fall 2020, Centennial College.
In-text Citation
(Instructor lastname).
Work Cited
Follow the examples of how to cite your source (book, article, video, etc.) and end the citation with the source (Luminate) and the URL for the item. Below is an example of how to cite a newspaper article in eReserves.
Author's lastname, First name Initials. "Title of Article." Title of Publication, Date, Luminate URL.
Dewey, Caitlin. "The (One) Simple Thing Fueling Your Social Media Addiction." The Washington Post, 12 Nov. 2014,
In-text Citation
(Instructor lastname).
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