If the infographic is part of another work, like an article in a journal, create an entry for the work in which the infographic is included.
Author Lastname, First Name, Initials. "Infographic: Title." Publication, Publication Date. URL (if available).
Works Cited
Barquiero, Kat. "Infographic: Meals Without Seals." Canadian Geographic, 9 Mar. 2021, www.canadiangeographic.ca/article/meals-without-seals-how-polar-bears-will-have-adapt-life-land.
In-text Citation
(Author Lastname).
If the author and the publisher are the same, omit the author.
Works Cited
Author. "Title of Dataset." Publisher, Date, URL.
"Number of Registered Apprentices." Statistics Canada, 2021, www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3710011801.
In-text Citation
Include an accessed date if no date of publication is available.
Works Cited
"Title of Map." Publisher, Date if available, URL. Accessed Date, if no date is available.
"Toronto's Interactive Map." City of Toronto, map.toronto.ca/maps/map.jsp?app=TorontoMaps_v2. Accessed 5 Nov. 2021.
In-Text Citation
If the author and the publisher are the same, omit the author.
Works Cited
Author. Title of Map, Publisher, Date. Map.
Sault Ste. Marie. Rand McNally, 2008. Map.
In-text Citation
If the chart, table or graph is included as part of a published work with page numbers and numbered figures and tables, create a Works Cited entry for the published work, and then use in-text citation as you would normally. If the chart, table of graph is on its own, you can create a Works Cited entry for the item itself.
Works Cited
"Title of Chart, Table or Graph." Name of Publication, Publisher, Date, URL.
In-Text Citation
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