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APA: mini-workshops, exercises, examples, and more!

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1. In an APA style Reference list, you must include:

  1. all sources that you have read in preparing for the essay.
  2. all sources that you found in the library
  3. only those sources you have directly quoted at least once
  4. none of the above


2. In an APA Reference list,  the standard form for a whole book is:

  1. Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.
  2. Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Publisher: Location.
  3. A. A.  Author (Year). Title of work. Publisher: Location.


3. In an APA Reference list, is it ok to use only the url if you are citing a web page?

Yes or No


4. In APA, the Reference list is…

  1. ordered according to when you referred to each source
  2. ordered alphabetically
  3. divided by the type of information source (i.e. books, articles, audio-visuals) and then alphabetized
  4. set out according to the most used sources


5. You have read seven articles for your major Social Studies essay.  While you have only made use of four of them in your essay, the assignment calls for a minimum of five sources.

To get the most credit for your effort, how many sources should you include in your APA style Reference list?

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7


6. In APA, the final piece of information included in a Reference list entry for a book (in paper form) is the:

  1. Name of Publisher
  2. Your Pet’s Name
  3. Place of Publication
  4. URL
  5. Date


7. In APA, the Reference list…

A.     always begins two lines below the last sentence

B.     must not be longer than two pages

C.     begins on a separate page


8. In an APA Reference list, retrieval dates:

A.     are no longer necessary, according to recent changes in the APA publication manual

B.     are not included unless you believe the source material may change over time

C.     must be included



9. In an APA Reference list, if a webpage has no title, is this citation ok?

Yes or No


10. In APA, the Reference list must include only those information sources that are cited within the body of the essay.  It must not include information sources that you read, but did not make use of within your paper.

True or False



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