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APA: mini-workshops, exercises, examples, and more!

Making it your own!

Writing with Clarity and Honesty often requires Patience and Fortitude.  In other words, hard work.

If you find yourself clicking, copying, and pasting your way through Google Translate (GT) to find that perfect paraphrase, you may be in for a surprise!  ProTip: The GT is not your friend.


"Craft beers often present unique flavors, ingredients or brewing methods that can entice the ever flavor-curious consumer." (Del Buono, 2015, p. 33)

Laundering it through Google Translate...

"There are different types of blister, shokuza and jozo processes that can be used more and more in your hometown."

Getting to that perfect paraphrase:

A good way to practice paraphrasing is to read the original text, set it aside, think about it, and write it in your own words.  Check back to the original text to ensure that you have kept the author’s meaning.

True or False

(Hint: pick True!)


Practice makes kinda close to perfect...

1. Here is the original sentence I will attempt to paraphrase. (Writing it in my own words, while preserving the original meaning.)

"Craft beers often present unique flavors, ingredients or brewing methods that can entice the ever flavor-curious consumer." (Del Buono, 2015, p. 33)

2. Pulling out the core idea: for the consumer the uniqueness of craft beer lives in its flavor potential

3. Now I am switching to sleep mode, (the computer, that is), and queuing up the elevator music for deep thoughts about the text.

Craft beer, brewing with flavors, adding strange ingredients, enticing the consumer...

4. "Crafting" my own sentence(s)

Consumers are drawn to craft beer for its unique flavor potential.  This potential is partially realized through experimenting with brewing methods and unusual ingredients. (Del Buono, 2015, p. 33)

The craft beer industry invokes new flavors, ingredients, and brewing methods to satisfy the consumers' taste adventure. (Del Buono, 2015, p. 33)

5. Return to the original text to check for meaning retention.  Done and done!

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