Much of the value of the library's collections resides in its (online) journal and magazine offerings. While there are different approaches to using these periodicals, opening the Journal Search is a good way forward. In this example, you will notice the library's access to Consumer Reports, a product evaluation tool by a third party.
Enter the Journal Search!
That was easy!
The real story in the 4xP concept, and in the field of marketing as a whole, is the art of crafting a story around the brand/product/service in question. Use the Journal Search function as a tool to gather information for the purposes of story mixing. Arrange targeted searches in well-known publications such as Advertising Age, Strategy, Campaign, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, and Entrepreneur to get a sense of what is currently happening with different brands, companies, and industry segments. From there, build ideas, stories, and critiques related to your chosen brand/product/service.
Tip: Identify top magazine/journals in a field of study by searching the Internet, (example: "top magazines in marketing") and then searching for them in the library's collection by using the Journal Search feature.
Success! (by adding the keyphrase, "skin care", to the Strategy publication holdings)