Centre for Accessible Learning and Counselling Services (CALCS) provides a range of programs and services aimed to empower students in meeting their wellness goals, accommodation and disability-related needs, and creating a more accessible campus community. Our team of professional psychotherapists, social workers, educators, and staff offer services such as brief, solution-focused psychotherapy, accommodation planning, health and wellness education, group counselling and psychoeducational workshops, adaptive technology, and peer support.
Infographic by Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres
Note: This infographic contains an error - the statistic on IPV should read: "sexual assault by an intimate partner is over 2x higher for trans persons compared to cisgender women."
Individuals who identify under the 2SLGBTQIA+ umbrella experience violence throughout their lifetime at high rates but service and support resources often aren’t inclusive of their unique circumstances or identities. The lack of resources, education and representation creates a society where queer folks are more vulnerable to victimization. This increases for queer folks of colour. It’s important for service providers to consider the intersections at which individuals experience gender-based violence in order to provide accessible, equitable, and effective support (TransFormed Project).
Telephone and chat services
Assaulted Women’s Helpline: The Assaulted Women’s Helpline offers a 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis line to all woman who have experienced abuse. Assistance in English and up to 154 other languages.
Phone: 1-866-863-0511 | TTY: 1-866-863-7868 | 24/7 assistance
Talk4Healing: Offers 24/7 help, support and resources for Indigenous women, by Indigenous women, all across Ontario. Services offered in Ojibway, Oji-Cree and Cree.
Phone:1-855-554-HEAL | Chat: www.talk4healing.com | 24/7 assistance
Fem'aide for Francophone Services: Fem’aide offers French-speaking women who have experienced gender-based violence, support, information and referral to appropriate front-line services within their communities.
Phone: 1-877-femaide (336-2433) | TTY: 1-866-860-7082 | 24/7 assistance
Support Service for Male Survivors of Sexual Assault: The Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse program provides help for male survivors of sexual abuse, both recent and historical. The program is the first of its kind in Canada and is delivered by agencies across the province.
Phone: 1-888-887-0015 | 24/7 assistance
Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line: Youth Line offers confidential, non-judgemental, and informed LGBTTQQ2SI peer support.
Hours: Friday to Sunday from 4:00pm to 9:30pm EST
Phone: 1-800-268-9688 | Text: 647-694-4275
Chat with Peer Support Volunteer: www.youthline.ca
Nisa Helpline: Nisa Helpline is a peer-to-peer counselling helpline available to Muslim women of all ages.
Phone: 1-888-315-NISA (6472) | Hours: Monday to Friday: 10:00am to 10:00pm EST
Trans Lifeline: Hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people.
Phone: 1-877-330-6366 | Hours: 10:00 am – 4:00 am EST
Counselling & Community Support
Anishinawbe Health Toronto Two-Spirit/Trans Services: Two Spirit/Trans* Services has a dedicated counsellor available for regular ongoing sessions to community members. The program also includes a Peer Mentor who provides supports to ensure that clients have access to traditional knowledge and ceremonies as well as guidance and experience connected to the processes involved in transitioning.
Phone: 416-920-2605 (Ask for the Mental Health Coordinator) | Hours: Monday to Friday, 10 am – 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations: Host regular events for 2S people across Toronto, both virtually and in person. Programming includes: Gender Affirming Support Program – ongoing, includes counselling and free gender affirming supplies; Traditional Teaching Sessions; Full and New Moon Ceremonies; and more. Most active and up to date information can be found on their Instagram page.
The 519: Programming and services for LGBTQ2S communities in Toronto and beyond.
Friendly Check-In Over the Phone for Racialized and Trans Folks of Colour: Chat with a peer member of The 519’s Trans People of Colour Project (TPOC), and get affirming support and other information and resources.
Hours: Monday to Friday – 10am to 5pm, Thursdays – 10am to 1pm | Email: TPOC@The519.org
Queer Muslim Community Circle: An affirming space by and for LGBTQ2S Muslims to connect, grow, and heal together.
Join: Second Tuesday of every month, 6:30 pm. Register here.
Friends of Ruby: Offers mental health & wellness services such as counselling. As of November 2021, there is a waitlist for online counselling, however, drop-in programming and services are available
Phone: 416-359-0237 | Email: info@friendsofruby.ca
Planned Parenthood Toronto: A pro-choice community health centre that advances and advocates for the sexual health, health, and well being of youth. Offers diverse programming, including: Workshops on Sexual Health and Healthier Relationships; NBD (non-binary BIPOC drop-in); Health Services Peer Education; and more.
Phone: 416-961-0113 | Email: ppt@ppt.on.ca
Professionals working in health and support services can also work to build relationships with service providers. An ongoing dialogue can push providers in the right direction to better serve clients with intersecting identities. A few questions to consider when working with service providers:
You may also want to ask in what ways a service provider is addressing the identity of your client, for example do they have specific trans or 2Spirit programming, versus programming that only addresses the general umbrella.