Safetyhub also offer Facilitator's Guides for Assessments which provide discussion points for instructors. These guides will help instructors reinforce the important points of the videos and prepare students for assessment.
Over 120 workplace safety training videos are available through the Safetyhub database. The videos address key workplace safety training issues such as, fire awareness, first aid, hazardous substances, and operating a vehicle on the job.
Faculty can select training videos and make them available to students in a couple ways (instructions below):
To obtain a Safetyhub account, please contact Jennifer Easter, Librarian:
Check out the Safetyhub database through the library website.
Creating a stable link to your course shell
Creating a stable link means that students will be prompted to log in to the library subscriptions before being redirected to the video. This will ensure prompt access.
1. Go to the video you want to add and click on "More" and then </>Embed
2. Copy and paste the "Video URL"
3. Add the following prefix to the URL and test the link.
Example: A link to Work-Related Stress would look like this
4. Log into D2L/Brightspace and navigate to your course shell
5. Select (or create) a content module.
6. Click on the blue "New" drop-down button and select "Create a Link"
7. Paste your constructed URL with prefix into the textbox.
8. Fill in a title for the content
9. Check "Open as external content." (This option forces the link to open in a new window and prevents the possibility of the D2L browser from interferring with the play of the video).
10. Click "Save"
In the Safetyhub for Centennial faculty webinar below, we discuss:
-embedding Safetyhub videos in eCentennial
-enrolling students in Safetyhub training
-assigning training
-accessing assessments and completion certificates for assigned training