Even newspapers that are considered "newspapers of record", meaning they are well-known and considered to have high journalistic standards, likely contain some element of bias. Even if your article is from a well-known newspaper, it is still important to evaluate it for credibility (try using SIFT).
A recent study by researchers at the University of Rochester (Pan, Qi, Wang, Lyu & Luo, 2023) sampled a large dataset of 1.8 million news headlines from major U.S. media outlets spanning from 2014 to 2022 and found that media bias is growing. The discrepancy was largest with reporting on "social issues" which showed "a mixture of media bias and attitudinal difference. Bias is revealed by different descriptions of the same events and the attitudinal difference is indicated by the topic preference of different media outlets" (p. 6).
Like the other databases you can access through the college, newspaper databases contain lots of different ways to filter your results. One of the most useful filters to use when searching the news is the Publication Title. This tells you which newspaper you are reading! The example below demonstrates how to filter results found in Canadian Periodicals Index (CPI.Q).