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Rocket Assembly: Easy Does It!

Almost ready...

Now that you are ready to jump into this exciting endeavor, keep in mind that model + rocketry is not like many other pursuits.  It can be dangerous!  While it is possible to poke yourself in a knitting project, for example, your model + rocket activity could set your hair on fire!  You will be working with explosives after all.  Considered from any angle, you will be sending, for lack of a better word, a missile into the atmosphere.  Rocketry models can be very large, and all types of rockets can fly far, far, into the air!

Naturally, there is a safety code of practice that you must adhere to. (Click for details, or skip to the next tab, chalking it all up to common sense.)

I think number 8 is my favorite.

In other words, the National Association of Rocketry frowns upon any attempt to add extra sizzle to your Fourth of July celebrations!  Just imagine launching a Roman Candle from your DIY rocket!

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