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MLA Style (Archived: 8th Edition)

MLA Style, 8th edition

Book in Print

Works Cited

Author lastname, Author first name Author initials. Book Title in Italics: Capitalize all Major Words. Publisher, Publication date.

Miley, Karla K., et al. Generalist Social Work Practice: An Empowering Approach. Pearson, 2017.

In-text Citation

(Author lastname page).

(Miley et al. 125).


The eBook database or platform is listed with the location information following the publication date. Italicize the database or platform to indicate that it is a second container for the source. Although MLA recommends including URLs for online sources, database URLs are not permanent links. It is recommended that you provide the database name for online resources found in library databases.

Works Cited

Author lastname, Author first name initials. Title of Book in Italics. Publisher, Publication date. Database or eBook platform name.

Balgopal, Pallassana R. Social Work Practice With Immigrants and Refugees. Columbia UP, 2000. EBSCO eBook Academic Collection.

In-text Citation

(Author page).

(Balgopal 105).

Edition Other Than the First

Include edition information for books that are editions other than the first. For first editions, no edition information is necessary.

Works Cited

Author lastname, Author first name initials. Title of Book in Italics: Capitalize all Major Words. Edition ordinal number ed., Publisher, Year.

Ferguson, Colin R., and Allan Kirkpatrick. Internal Combustion Engines: Applied Thermosciences. 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2016.

In-text Citation

(Author lastname page).

(Ferguson and Kirkpatrick 132).

Chapter in an Edited Book

The chapter in an edited book is part of a larger container. The chapter title appears in quotation marks, and the title of the book appears in italics.

Works Cited

Author (of the chapter) lastname, Author first name initials. "Title of the Chapter." Book Title in Italics: Capitalize all Major Words, edited by Editor first name initials lastname, Publisher, Year, pp. page range. 

Cimon, Yan. "Defence Policy and the Aerospace and Defence Industry in North America: The Changing Contours of the Post-9/11 Era." Game changer: The impact of 9/11 on North American Security, edited by Jonathan Paquin and Patrick James, UBC Press, 2014, pp. 213-229. 

In-text Citation

(Author page).

(Cimon 216).

Entry in an Online Encyclopedia

If there is no author, begin the works cited entry with the title of the encyclopedia entry. Since the encyclopedia entry is a part of a larger work, the title appears in quotation marks, with the title of the encyclopedia in italics.

Works Cited

"Title of Entry." Title of Reference Work in Italics, Publisher, Year, Name of Database.

"Human Trafficking." Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010, Encyclopedia Britannica Online.

In-text Citation

If there are no page numbers, omit this from the in-text citation.

("Abbreviated Title").

("Human Trafficking").

Book in Translation

For translated works, include the first and last name of the translator in the place of other contributors following the title.

Including the publication date of the original work is optional, and recommended if it is relevant in providing insight into the relation to other works. The original date of publication appears immediately following the title of the source.

Works Cited

Original Author lastname, First name Initials. (Publication year for the translation). Title of Book in Italics: Capitalize all Major Words. Original publication year. Translated by translator first name last name, Publisher, Year. 

Freud, Sigmund. Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. 1921. Translated by James Strachey, Liveright, 1967.

In-text Citation

(Original Author lastname page).

(Freud 52).
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