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Human Resources

Putting the Humane back in Human

How do I use this library thing?

If you like watching stuff, than you are in luck, because I have created a fabulous audio and visual experience just for you!  While it may not have the same look and feel as the movie theatre experience, you will definitely get your money's worth, and you may learn something along the way. (Honk if you learned something today!)

Get on the fast track to earning your Library Smarts Micro-Credential! (not a real credential)


Library Collection Intro in Detail


"Must-sees" for the Advanced Library Smarts Micro-Credential!

Market Area Facts... at the tips of your fingers

Gather political, economic, social, environmental data and intelligence on the world's market stages using the online library collections.

Company Information Sources

Take a virtual tour of the library's company information sources.

Industry Information Sources

You guessed it!  A title that needs no introduction... 

Meet the Virtual Book Shelf!

Preventing bullying in the workplace: the audio-visual experience

Stepping in it... the library's collections that is!


If you somehow missed the MEGA search box (Search the Library Collections), don't worry.

ProTip: Everything begins here:


You can activate Plan B, and open up the E-Resources tab.

If you think of the Internet as a pile of stuff, the library, on the other hand, is a collection.  We specialize in collecting quality resources for student success.  The E-Resources tab is your gateway to selecting and entering the name of the information resource(s) you need.

There are several points of entry into the collections: Keywords box (Search for Databases), A-Z list, and the School List filter (All Subjects).


ProTip: The Keywords box allows you to search for a collection, an information resource.  It is not designed to search within the collection.  Even if you are unsure of the complete database name, try representative keywords, such as "Business."  You probably won't be disappointed!


Once you select a collection (Business Source Complete, for example) you are almost ready to work!

Not sure what's inside a collection (database)? Before opening the database, each collection comes with a short description of what you can expect to find.  For example:

Business Source Complete

Full text business scholarly journals, magazines, country economic data, company profiles, industry information and market research...


Working off-campus, you may be asked to login.  Simple: just use your myCentennial login credentials.

Next box...

Article Search 101

Because many of our journals and magazines are collected together in aggregated databases, adding and mixing several titles and publishers, searching is usually a matter of entering words and phrases that describe your topic, at least in the beginning.

(Begin here, just to get the hang of it!)


You can explore the magic of these selected collections:

Business Source Complete

ABI/INFORM Collection

CBCA Complete

Sage Premier

Academic Search Premier

Research Library

Journal title searching for you!

From time to time, a professor, here and there, may recommend a favorite journal or magazine, suggesting a title that is perfect for your research report!  With over 150 discrete collections within our online library, how will you ever find it?

The short answer is to summon the magazine/journal searching tool, with the obvious name: Journal Search.  This tool directly links to individual magazines/journals within our collection, no matter which database(s) they resides in!

Try it, and see for yourself.

Example: Canadian HR Reporter... shows up in few places, including here!

You may want to practice with a few of these titles!

Human Resources

Canadian HR Reporter

Industrial and Labor Relations Review

International Journal of Management and Human Resources

Journal of Human Resources

Organization Science

Personnel Psychology

Research in Organizational Behavior

Work and Stress

Go Deep into the Research Jungle!

The purpose of this guide is to provide a "toe-dip" into the library's collections as they pertain to Human Resources students.  If you want to drop deeper into the bottomless pit of research, check out these other two guides:

Fundamentals of Business & Business 119

Business 733/333

While these guides are "for" these courses, their real purpose is to open up the library to students in new ways, covering journal and magazine discovery and evaluation, search strategies, along with navigating the streamed audio-visual experiences, and giving a little head-space to APA.

Taking your knowledge beyond the textbook!

Fitting in with the pros!

After Graduation

Career Info!

Looking for:


►career exploration resources

►resume and cover letter advice

►interviewing tips

►career search guidance...


Check out my Career Info for Students: keeping ahead of the competition! (guide)

And don't forget: Careers for New Canadians: get in the game!

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