Before you start, make a back up copy, or record the original configuration!! <-- the exclamation points mean that I am very serious
To make a copy:
Some of these changes need to be done in the customization package. If you need help with this, refer to the recorded Study Group Session or the written instructions.
Some of the integrations need an API key. An API key is a computer password that you add to a 3rd party system like Springshare, that tells Alma that it's safe to talk to this 3rd party system. You can generate them here. If you are new to API keys, instructions are here.
This Libguide was created on-the-fly to help the CLO-18 colleges with their Primo VE implementation and Alma integrations (CLO Libguide is here). There may be typos and other errors, but please send serious errors to me. As you may know, I worked at Bibliocentre for many years (the pre-OCLS consortium headquarters) and still very much support the idea of the consortium, so if you need help with any of this stuff, contact me.
Lastly, yes, I know it's chaotic to have all these items on one page, but that is intentional so that you can save an offline copy. Am hoping there is enough info here that you can use your browser's search function to find what you're looking for,
The logo must be a .png or .svg file, with maximum size 100px height by 300px width, and maximum file size of 30 KB.
You can also save the logo as library-logo.png and place it in the /img file of the customization package.
You'll need to know HTML, or use an HTML editor to open and edit the homepage_en.html file.
You do not have to keep the home page boxes or even preserve the box structure. You can delete everything in the homepage_en.html file and replace it with your own HTML code.
Configuration > Discovery > (Display Configuration) Labels
Some labels to consider changing:
The favicon is that tiny image that appears in the browser tab, next to the browser tab name (you can change the name by changing the label, see instructions for "Change any label" on this page, label code = "main.title").
The favicon must be 16px by 16px, and saved as favicon.ico. The .png file gets saved to the /img folder in the customization package.
To "embiggen" your logo, you can remove the logo padding. Add the code below to /css/custom1.css.
To add citation styles: ExL documentation
You can add advanced search facets to the basic/simple search, e.g. see the search bar at Baylor University.
Alternately, you can enable an icon ribbon instead of the text bar, e.g. see the search bar at Humber College.
You can have the text bar or the icon bar, but both cannot be enabled at the same time.
The search at Centennial is set up to display results from other colleges only if the Search Scope = "All Ontario Colleges" In the side bar, the number of results from other colleges are displayed separately from the Centennial results. When you click on an item from another college, the name of the college appears, as in this sample search.
More help:
Study Group session for this integration.
Generate an API key for "Acquisitions" with read/write, and "Configuration" with read-only.
Open a Support Portal call and send them the API key with your request to set up Oasis integration.
The vendor will need:
> Supplier ID
This is the "Code" for Oasis in: Acquisitions > Vendors
> Customer Order API ID
This is the "Code" of the Oasis integration profile at: Configuration > General > Integration Profiles
> "owning code"
This is the location for receiving items. If multiple Libraries in Alma can receive and process items, the vendor can create a drop-down list for you in Oasis to choose the Library for each order. If you receive and process at a central Library like Centennial does, i.e. you have only one "owning code", they will hardcode it in Oasis for you so that you can skip that annoying step of choosing a Library for each order.
ProQuest Support can see your current Oasis fund and location codes. These codes must be in upper-case. If there are any new ones that are not now in Oasis, you will need to send them a list in a spreadsheet with that information. The system can also pass reporting codes from Oasis to Alma, so if you want those included, you must add the to them spreadsheet as well.
More information in the ExLibris documentation.
ProQuest Support will contact you to schedule a testing time. For the test, you will order an item in Oasis as usual, and send the ISBN and title to ProQuest Support so that they can monitor the API call. After a couple of minutes, you check Alma for the new POL (e.g. search "Order lines" for the title). If the POL looks good, ProQuest Support will cancel the Oasis order, and you can delete the POL from Alma.
Study Group session for this integration.
If you don't see the "ILS Integration" option in the EBSCONET drop-down menu, you'll need to ask your EBSCO rep to have it added.
Study Group session for this integration.
SUNY Libguide and direct links:
Depending on your security settings, you may have to add new FTP servers to
Configuration > General > External Systems > Allowed S/FTP Connections
Add this code to the custom1.css file.
/** Hide "Search Inside" for journals **/
prm-search-within-journal {display: none;}
.search-within-p-only {display:none;}
Hide the feature for print-only titles.
/** Hide "Search Inside" for print journals **/
.search-within-p-only {display:none;}
The Resource Recommender feature is limited because the suggested resources pop up only if the search matches the exact character string in the Tags, but the Banner option can be useful, as you can set it to appear for any search.
Configuration > Discovery > (Other) > Resource Recommender Configuration > Banner
You can see examples in Centennial's account.
For this collection, the titles were added from an Alma "Set". Once the titles are added, you can edit the title list manually by adding and removing titles. Optionally, you can add all titles manually. Note that if you use a Set, even a logical set, new items must be added manually (“Alma does not support dynamic collections/sub-collections. This means that it does not add titles automatically when logical sets are updated.”).
1. Resources > (Manage Inventory_ Manage Collections > Add Top-Level Collection
2. Enter Title, Name, Description, Library, and a thumbnail image that is less than 100 KB in JPG, PNG of GIF. "Save" the collection.
3. Click (...) to "Edit" the collection.
4. In the "Title List" tab, you can "Add Title" or "Add Titles from Set". To create a new Set, enter an item search in the top bar, and click "Save and Filter Query" to save the new Set.
5. Once your titles are added, you can edit them by adding more or removing some. Click "Save".
6. To make your collections appear in Primo VE,
Configuration > Discovery > (Display Configuration) Configure Views > (choose View) > (...) > Edit > Links Menu (tab) > Collection Discovery (toggle to ON)
You can change the label here. At Centennial, we changed it from "Collections Discovery" to "Special Collections & Exhibits".
St. Lawrence College has made their custom1.css and custom.js files available here:
The UResolver Debug View, available in the Chrome store, created by Jeff Peterson at the University of Minnesota, is useful for the "View It" option in Alma. In your "View It" window, there will be a bug icon in the top left. Click it to see the underlying code when checking your links.
In the full record, you may see an option to "Request other issue". The option appears in the full record if the item has a description or the resource holding has a summary holdings field. The feature enables patrons to request items that may have not been cataloged.
To suppress the feature,
Configuration > Fulfillment > (Discovery Interface Display Logic) Display Logic Rules
Add a rule:
hide service = General Hold Request
The documentation explains that
> General hold request – Request to have an item held at a circulation desk when the holdings record is empty or request an issue for a journal regardless of whether any of its issues have been cataloged. For more information on general hold requests, see Creating a General Hold Request.
which is different from a
> Hold request – Request to have an item held at a circulation desk.
To remove the background colour for the APPLY FILTERS button on your search screen, add this code to your custom1.css file:
/* remove APPLY FILTERS background colour */
.prm-positive-bg, .multiselect-submit .multiselect-submit-inner {
background-color: #e9e9e9; }
Ex Libris documentation for Alma configurration.
For this integration, you will need, from Libinsight: the Dataset IDs,Client ID, Client Secret, and Client Host.
For the Dataset IDs, in Libinsight, record the ID numbers of the datasets for Gate Count and Reference.
In Libinsight, find your Client ID, Client Secret, and Client Host at:
Libinsight > Admin > Widgets & APIs > Manage API Authentication
Click "+ Create Application".
Enter a name for the application, e.g. Alma Analytics.
Your Client ID and Client Secret will appear. The Client Host URL is at the top of the page in the section that says, "The endpoint used for requesting an access token fo the client_credentials grant type".
Enter this data into the Alma integration profile.
This is the easiest way to get started: Bibliographic Local Field Mapping (6 minute video).
Other videos in the Primo VE Normalization Suite are good too.
Other resources:
Primo VE Normalization Rule Examples (sample code)
Managing Display and Local Fields for Primo VE
Configuring Normalization Rules for Display and Local Fields
If you are not using Refworks at all, you can deactivate it.
If you want to remove the option from just the top drop-down menu, but keep it in the full record display, you'll need to add this code to the custom1.css file.
/* remove Refworks from menu dropdown */
.my-refworks-ctm {
display: none;
.my-refworks-separator-ctm {
display: none;
To remove the yellow "Sign in" bar, add this code to the custom1.css file. Note that if you remove the "Sign in" bar, it will not appear on the results screen, but also will not appear in the full item record.
/* remove yellow Sign In bar */
.alert-bar {
To add the askON pop-up, you'll need to download the customization package and edit /js/custom.js
Change the highlight below to reflect your college's askON URL. You can get this information from OCLS, or if you have the askON chat widget in your Libguides, from Libguides > Admin > Look & Feel > Custom CSS/JS (tab). Look for this line:
x.src = (document.location.protocol === "https:" ? "https://" : "http://") + "";
/*----------below is the code for LibraryH3lp-----------*/
var needsJs = document.createElement('div');
needsJs.setAttribute('class', 'needs-js');
var s = document.createElement('script'); = 'localScript';
s.src = '';
/*---------------LibraryH3lp code ends here---------------*/
In the full record of Course Reserves items, Discovery Network results appear. You may not be able to suppress the Discovery Network results entirely, but you can at least collapse the list of colleges.
Related change: search this Libguide page for "Display location of items at other colleges".
Add this code to your custom.js file:
var app = angular.module('viewCustom', ['angularLoad']);
/*collapse Get It at Other Institutions*/
app.component("prmAlmaOtherMembersAfter", {
bindings: {
parentCtrl: "<",
controller: [
function() {
var ctrl = this;
this.$onInit = function(){
ctrl.parentCtrl.isCollapsed = true;
Find your code in this Basecamp link.
Change the highlighted portions below.
More information here like changing the search scope, etc.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<!-- Script that converts the query string into valid parameter -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function searchPrimo() {
document.getElementById("primoQuery").value = "any,contains," + document.getElementById("primoQueryTemp").value;
<!-- Fill in Highlighted Parameters -->
<form id="simple" name="searchForm" method="get" target="_self" action="" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" onsubmit="searchPrimo()">
<input type="hidden" name="vid" value="01OCLS_CENTENN:CENTENN">
<input type="hidden" name="tab" value="Everything">
<input type="hidden" name="search_scope" value="MyInst_and_CI">
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="en">
<!-- Fixed parameters -->
<input type="hidden" name="query" id="primoQuery">
<input type="text" id="primoQueryTemp" placeholder="enter keywords" value="" size="20">
<!-- Search Button -->
<input id="go" title="LibrarySearch" onclick="searchPrimo()" type="button" value="LibrarySearch" alt="LibrarySearch" style="height: 25px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; background: #00a4a2; color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid;">
Springshare integration is for LibConnect and Pickup Manager. If you want to harvest Libguides and the Springshare A-Z database list into Primo VE., see the box on this page called, "Repository metadata harvesting: Libguides".
ILS Integration: Connect your ILS to LibApps > Connect with Ex Libris Alma
You'll need to generate an API key but the work is straightforward from there.
Configuration Form > Primo VE - Digital Repository > Provide OAI URL of the repository
Find your OAI information in the Libguides admin module: Your Libguides OAI info lives here:
To import Libguides and your Springshare A-Z database list if desired, use these instructions, or these instructions.
If you want Libguides or AtoZ databases to appear as an option in the Resource Type limiter list, you’ll need to add local fields for these new resource types.
> Create local fields that you can use to... filter search results
Study Group session for this integration.
Open a Support Portal case for the Oasis product and
Once you get your API key, in Alma
Helpful video (3:30 minutes) & ExL documentation.
To see a record with Syndetics Unbound metadata, in the full record, click on "EXPLORE". You may need to wait a few seconds for the option to appear.
Create Syndetics widgets & see examples
Other resources
1. A note about Wiley: The first time you run the job, you may get a message that the holdings file is not available. From the Alma listserv:
> Our autoholdings uploaded successfully after Wiley generated the institutional KBART reports at 2am PT last Saturday. When it did not last week I got this message “The holdings files for the token value entered in the Wiley integration profile are not yet available.” [If it's not working] I’d double check the token or wait til next Monday to run it again.
2. Also note that you'll need to activate the KBART collections again after Go-Live, as none of the new activations will survive cut-over.
3. Reminder: you will need to add a parameter to the Ovid collections in the "Edit Service" option:
Edit Service > (tab) Linking > (Linking Parser Parameters) IPAUTH = yes
The full list of vendors is:
Add to your custom1.css file:
/* increase font weight for login box */
prm-stand-alone-login h2, prm-stand-alone-login h3 {
font-weight: 500 !important;
This is how to grant permissions to another user to give them access to your college account in the ProQuest Support Portal. These instructions assume you have Portal access.
1. Register the new user at
2. You login to the Support Portal and go to Additional Actions > Grant Permissions
Enter the new user's information. The new user will receive an email asking them to login and change their password, etc.
Refer to the ExLibris instructions, but here are the basic steps:
1. Create a Mendeley account at
2. In Alma, change these settings:
Configuration>Discovery > Other > Customer Settings
mendeley_application_id = the number that is assigned by Mendeley for your newly created profile. In Mendeley, click on "My Apps" to see it.
mendeley_secret = the API key generated by Mendeley
mendeley_redirect_uri template (substitute with your data)=
See the feature here in the left side panel, Expand my results > Search within full text
Your options are
Save your settings.
Ex Libris instructions here [PPTX download]
Adding a top warning bar require changes to custom1.css. It may be easier to use the Resource Recommender (on this page, see "Add a persistent banner to the search results page").
If you know CSS, ExL has a guide here identifying the page elements.
If you would rather not use CSS, use Primo Studio. There is a description here of each of the colour fields.
To add a background image to your home page (see example), add this code at the top of the homepage_en.html file. The image must be in .PNG format and hosted on a web server so that you can see the image if you go directly to the URL.
Choose an image that looks seamless repeated horizontally and vertically, because depending on the user's display settings, the repetition may appear tiled instead of seamlessly repeated.
If you are using a large image like a photograph, instead of an all-over wallpaper pattern, the code is below.
<!--add background image to main page-->
background-repeat: repeat;
<!--if using a photograph, use this code instead-->
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;
This customization has not been tested for accessibility. The image must be in .PNG format and hosted on a web server so that you can see the image if you go directly to the URL.
Add the code below to /css/custom1.css.
Search /css/custom1.css for the section of code that starts with: prm-background, html, body, prm-search
The original code is in red. Add the rest of the code and change the sections highlighted in yellow.
.card-content-block {
background-color: #e9e9e9;
border-color: #e1e1e1;
background-attachment: local;
If you've created a skin like this example, but do not want to add the background to the results screen (e.g. because the background will obscure the functions), you can remind users of the theme by adding a small image to the search bar. This image is hidden/disappears in the mobile view. The image must be in .PNG format and hosted on a web server so that you can see the image if you go directly to the URL.
Add the code below to /css/custom1.css.
Search /css/custom1.css for the section of code that starts with: prm-primary-bg
The original code is in red. Add the rest of the code and change the sections highlighted in yellow.
.prm-primary-bg, prm-spinner.overlay-cover.light-on-dark:after, prm-search-bar, prm-atoz-search-bar, prm-browse-search-bar, prm-tags-search-bar, prm-newspapers-search-bar, prm-collection-gallery-header .collection-header-inner, prm-tree-nav prm-spinner .diamond {
color: white;
background-color: #00a4a2;
background-image: url("");
background-origin: content-box;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100px 31px;
background-attachment: local;
background-position: calc(100% - 20px) right;
Add this code, courtesy of Daniel Gloor at Humber, to your custom.js file:
/*** Custom highlight colour for search terms ***/
.text-highlight, mark {
box-shadow: inset 0 -0.15em 0 0 #333;
/*** Custom colour for cursor highlight ***/
::selection {
background: #efeee6;
The image must be 150px by 150px and saved in the customization package. Save as home-screen-icon.png in the /img subdirectory.
HTML code courtesy of Lingling Jiang of Sheridan. The code is for the hompage_en.html file.
Lingling explains:
> In the example HTML file, I used the various search codes configured in our Alma (Sheridan). The following changes should be done if you want to adapt to your college's config:
> 1. the 'action' attribute of <form> must be the string of your Primo VE and use other codes defined in Alma as instructed from the ExL document.
> 2. For radio buttons, here is the snippet, modify or duplicate one of them to add more radio options. Pay attention to the value attribute of the <input> element for each option as it impacts the JS code in #3.
> 3. In the <script> section, this new Javascript function will update the form submission when a radio button is clicked. If you add a new radio button in the above HTML snippet, you need to update this function by duplicating one of the case...break segments and change values for the corresponding <tab_code> and <scope_name> in your Alma.
Add this code to your custom.js file:
/*show search scopes in new search*/
app.component('prmSearchBarAfter', {
controller: function($scope) {
this.$onInit = function() {
$scope.$parent.$ctrl.showTabsAndScopes = true;
Code courtesy of Katherine McMillan of St. Lawrence. Katherine sends this custom1.css code below to prevent the footer from blending into the Primo VE sidebar.
/* Footer and facet fixes */
#facets > prm-facet > {
z-index: 1 !important;
Code courtesy of Lingling Jiang of Sheridan.
You can find many useful customizations at the Orbis Cascade Alliance's Primo VE Toolkit. Note that some of the customizations require inheritance from their consortium's Central Package.
Check their Primo VE Delivery Services Cookbook for more customizations.
There is useful CSS code for Primo VE customization here, from Manuela Schwendener.
ExLIbris instructions here. Will add better instructions as soon as we get the account info we need from the College to install it.
Your records may have two links: "Read online" and "Available online." The "Read online" link is described here:
ExLibris documentation.
Quicklinks (“Read online”) is a relatively new feature, released in Dec 2021, so there will be cases, mostly in older records, where non-OA links are not proxied and OA links are proxied, contrary to how the feature is supposed to work (see example here where the "Read online" link should have been proxied).
To remove Quicklinks:
Add the "Search in Full Text" limiter to the Brief Results page.
Configuration > Discovery > (Search Configuration) Search Profiles
ExL documentation:
Resources > Manage Collections > (choose/create the Collection/subcollection)
You can add a banner image to Collections/subcollections in two places:
If you add images in the "General" tab, this may result in multiple images (up to 4) in the banner.
If you select or add images in the "Discovery" tab, this will result in only 1 image in the banner.
Images can be no larger than 100 kB, and ideally, 300x180 px.
This is a very helpful 12-minute video that walks you through, step-by-step with screenshots, on how to set up the Alma-D Viewer so that the item can be viewed in the full record:
Sample item: Ascent alumni magazine (Spring 2021)
You'll need to create a custom Scope for the subset of records you want to move from Alma to Google. Then you will modify an existing out-of-the-box Publishing Profile and choose that new custom Scope.
For example, to move Alma Digital records for objects in our Institutional Repository to Google,
Config > Resources > (Search Configuration) Search Profile
"Add a Search Profile" with Search Type = Local Data, then
"Add Scope". Define the scope for only records in the Institutional Repository.
Ex Libris instructions here. If you wish to move records for only specific Alma Digital collections/subcollections to Google, pay attention to this part of the documentation:
> Inventory – Limits search results to specific types of inventory... The following types of inventory are supported... Is part of any collection, Is part of a collection/subcollection (note that is [sic] includes inventory only within a collection or subcollection and does not include inventory within any of its subcollections)
In the Publishing Profile, you'll choose this new custom Scope in the "Content" section at the bottom of the screen.
You must run the job manually. Give Google a couple of weeks to index everything.
To see which records were pushed to Google, in your browser, go to:
https://[insert your Primo VE domain here]/robots.txt
Follow the trail of URLs on your screen by inputting them into your browser's address bar until you get to an actual record in your Primo VE instance. .