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Active Support is a proven model of care that enables and empowers people with intellectual disabilities to participate fully in all aspects of their lives.
A comprehensive review of the barriers and facilitators people with diverse disabilities experience when they are exercising their fundamental right to create and maintain families, with a focus on the persistent, systemic, and pervasive discrimination against parents with disabilities.
How different societies have responded to people with disability throughout history, how life has changed for people with intellectual disability and their families over the centuries, and how key historical figures and events sparked social change and shaped our modern understanding of intellectual disability.
An essential reference for practitioners, the book is also an invaluable guide for policy makers, researchers and students, nurses, carers, and people with intellectual disabilities and their families.
This book argues that we need a new understanding of participatory citizenship that encompasses the disabled, new policies to respond to their needs, and a new vision of their entitlements.