Traditional notions of literacy need to be challenged, and new literacies, including information literacy and IT literacy, need to be considered as foundation elements for digitally involved learners
We should capitalise on digital technologies and the motivating influence of technology for learning to foster the development of scientific literacy in students.
Each chapter introduces a digital solution that can be used to enhance traditional skill-based instructional practices. Includes A handouts and supporting materials.
Reports findings from a pioneering mixed-method three-year study of the Digital Youth Network, and how it nurtured imaginative production, expertise with digital media tools, and the propensity to share creative capacities with others.
This book examines how iIcollaborative, and personalizable technology is shaping not just our social interactions but new kinds of civic engagement with cities, communities, and spaces.
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Full-text references, updates and graphics of eight textbooks in the areas of medicine, nursing and pharmacology.
The titles available are: Diseases, Handbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Handbook of Pathophysiology, Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests, Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide, Nurses’ Guide to Clinical Procedures and Nursing Care Plans and Documentation.
Access the full-text to more than 4.5 million documents, including 192 IEEE publications, 30+ IET journals and 25 conference titles, 1700+ proceedings from IEEE and IET conferences, IEEE standards, and INSPEC abstract and citation records.