Using questions sets to randomize quizzes and exams has several advantages. Each student is presented with a unique test which makes it very difficult to collaborate with other students during the exam. It also deters students from copying their question set and passing it along to their peers who may not have started the exam yet.
Moodle allows you to randomize the answer order for multiple choice questions. This feature makes it more difficult for students to share answers if they are presented with the same question. Combining question sets and randomization of answers is a very effective technique.
When you limit the duration of a quiz, it diminishes the time that a student can spend looking up answers. Delivering one question at a time can prevent copying or printing of the exam. Limiting the number of attempts can help prevent collaboration and ensures that students don't have multiple attempts to answer the same question sets.
If an exam has a long availability period, it's possible for a few students to take the test early on and share the questions/answers with other students who have not yet taken the exam.
Prevent students from seeing which questions they missed until all students have taken and submitted the exam.
Calculated questions are designed using variables. Random values, based on a user specified range, are automatically generated for each variable in the question.
Programs commonly referred to as lock-down browsers can be purchased that lock down the testing environment within learning management systems. These programs prevent students from printing, copying, visiting other websites, or accessing applications during an exam. These applications are not considered to be fool proof, but they can deter most students from cheating.
Assigning higher point values or percentages to assignments and projects helps offset the grading weight generally associated with exams.
Open-ended questions generally require students to have a greater understanding of the material and make cheating more difficult.
By providing short notice (pop) quizzes during the semester, students have less time to coordinate the sharing of answers during the quiz.
Question 1 of a quiz or exam could be set up as a yes/no answer to “I have read and understand the Academic Integrity Policy.” On Luminate, an honors statement could be displayed in the introductory section of the quiz. Another way to reinforce academic integrity is to have students sign a contract emphasizing the college’s academic integrity policy and outlining consequences for violations. There can also be authentic statements added to each assignment.
Some remote proctoring or “robot” technologies can be purchased to assist in remote proctoring through the use of video or biometric technology. Webcams have also been used to proctor online exams.
Have different assessments each semester or create multiple versions to rotate.
Use activities or projects where students demonstrate an application of their learning utilizing rubrics where possible. Here is a page explaining authentic assessments with examples.
Monitor "study sites" for your materials, exams, and assignments. Issue a takedown notice if you find them.
Some study sites: Course Hero, StudyLib, StudySoup
Monitor math solving apps. Although they do the work for students, they have unique descriptions and steps taken.
Common math solving apps: Photomath, Mathway, SnapClac, Socratic, Slader, FastMath, Brainly, MathPapa, Chegg Study, Cymath, Symbolab
Prepare in advance for students who are sick for exams, use alternative exam or a different type of assessment that students perceive as being harder.
Compare a student's voice on explanation in discussions, posting, and emails. If the voice is dramatically different, examine the assessment more closely.
Taking a strong stance and completing the paperwork for such violations lets the students know that they cannot violate academic integrity standards.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania (n.d.) Best practices for on-line academic integrity.
PennState College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (n.d.). Strategies for preventing academic integrity issues.
Shirr, K. (n.d.) What happens when AI does the homework? The ethics of cheating apps.
Teaching Math Online by Matthew Cheung. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.