From time to time, a professor, here and there, may recommend a favorite journal or magazine, suggesting a title that is perfect for your research report! With over 150 discrete collections within our online library, how will you ever find it?
The short answer is to summon the magazine/journal searching tool, with the obvious name: Journal Search. This tool directly links to individual magazines/journals within our collection, no matter which database(s) they resides in!
Try it, and see for yourself.
Example: Advancing Women in Leadership... shows up here!
On the other hand, what if things went in the other direction? Imagine the following scenario. You pass Professor X in the hallway and strike up a conversation, like this. "Hey Professor X, I just wanted to thank you for recommending that fabulous journal. Say, did you happen to catch the article on shared leadership in global virtual teams? I think it was in the Journal of Management Information Systems.
It's even easier then correctly answering the bonus question!
You may want to practice with some of these titles!
Accounting, Organizations and Society
Critical Perspectives on Accounting
Journal of Accounting and Economics
Business Administration
Human Resources
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
International Journal of Management and Human Resources
International Business
Journal of International Business Studies
Research in International Business and Finance