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Nursing - Collaborative and Bridging Programs

This guide will introduce you to important Library resources for nursing students in the Collaborative Nursing Degree Program and the Bridging to University Nursing Program

The Learning Portal's Health Sciences Research Module

The videos and resources on this page are a selection from The Learning Portal's Finding Evidence-based Information for Health Sciences Students module.

Additional resources, including more videos, links, and activities are available in the module.

Finding Evidence-based Information for Health Sciences Students by College Libraries Ontario, The Learning Portal is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license unless otherwise stated.

How To Develop Your Topic

The Video Transcript is available.

For more information on PICO visit The Learning Portal.

Additional PICO Resources

Resource Types

The Video Transcript is available.

For more information visit The Learning Portal's Choose Your Resource Type page.

Additional Resources

Conducting Your Search

A Video Transcript is available.

For additional information on searching please visit The Learning Portal's Conduct Your Search page.


Evaluate Your Evidence

A Transcript is available.

For more information on Evidence-Based Practice, please visit The Learning Portal's Evidence-Based Practice module.

Practice Your Skills

Practice Your Skills

Practice Your Skills

Open License Statement

Finding Evidence-based Information for Health Sciences Students by College Libraries Ontario, The Learning Portal is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license unless otherwise stated.

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