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SUSHI Credentials: How to Find Them

Where to find your SUSHI credentials (SUSHI service server end point URL, Requestor ID, Customer ID) for various database platforms.


SUSHI is a NISO standard that allows the automated retrieval of COUNTER usage reports into local systems. 

To set up a SUSHI harvester to retrieve COUNTER compliant database usage statistics, you will need to enter:

  • SUSHI server service endpoint URL (i.e. SUSHI URL)
  • Customer ID (i.e. SUSHI username)
  • Requestor ID (i.e. SUSHI password) or API Key

Instructions on where to find this information for each vendor database platform are below, and indexed on the left.  Some of these instructions apply only to Ontario colleges.

A partial list of SUSHI URLs and other useful information can be found at this NISO site:

For Alma migrations, a list of SUSHI vendors is here:

AAAS Science

  1. Login to admin account.
  2. Under "Institutional Administrative Portal", click on "Visit Portal".
  3. Under "Insitutional Account", click on "Usage Reports".
  4. Your SUSHI COUNTER 5 credentials will appear.

ACM Digital Library

  1. Sign in (top right).
  2. At top right, click drop-down option: "My Profile"
  3. Click "Institutions Account".
  4. Click "Usage Reports".
  5. Click "Usage Data {COUNTER5)" or "Usage Data {COUNTER4)" to display your institution's SUSHI credentials.

Alexander Street Press

  1. Login to admin module
  2. Click on "Menu" (top left) > "Statistics" > "COUNTER" 
  3. Click “SUSHI” at top right and fill in “Create SUSHI Account” form to get the SUSHI credentials.



  1. SUSHI URL =
  2. Requestor ID = [email address of the primary contact]
  3. For your Customer ID, contact

Britannica Online

  1. PDF instructions/credentials for Ontario colleges:
  2. “id” = Requestor ID and Customer ID.


  1. SUSHI URL = 
  2. Login to admin account (top right).
  3. Under “My account” select “Usage statistics”.
    Requester ID and Customer ID should be listed for your institution.

Canada Commons

Email to to get your Customer ID, Requestor ID, and API key (same as Requestor ID).

Canadian Electronic Library

  1. Login to admin portal.
  2. Click on your institution name.
  3. At top right, click "Sushi>".  Your SUSHI credentials will appear.

Credo Reference

  1. Login to admin module.
  2. Click “Usage Statistics” tab.
  3. Click on the link at the bottom that says: “The COUNTER reports above can be also retrieved in XML format using the SUSHI protocol. Click here for more information.”
  4. The next screen will have the URL, your college’s Requestor ID and Customer ID.
    The Requestor ID and Customer ID are in the sentence that starts: “For the authentication purposes please supply…
    For COUNTER 5, the base URL is in the sample query, e.g.


  1. Login to admin module.
  2. Your Customer ID is your EBSCO account number, at top right
    e.g. “Current Site: INSTITUTION NAME (s9999999)”
  3. Click on “Reports & Statistics” tab.
  4. Click on "COUNTER R5 Reports".
  5. Click on “SUSHI Authentication” tab.
  6. The SUSHI credentials will be on that page. If there is no Requestor ID, click “Generate New ID”.
    For more help, see EBSCOConnect instructions here.


Instructions at

Platform codes: ScienceDirect = SD, Scopus = SC, Engineering Village = EV

Emerald Insight

  1. Login to admin account (top right).
  2. At the top, click "Account Management Portal".
  3. At the top, click on "Counter Reports".  
  4. Click on "Sushi".
  5. Enable your SUSHI account, and your SUSHI credentials will appear.

Films on Demand (Infobase)

  1. Login to admin account.
  2. Click on "Reports" (at right)
  3. Click on "COUNTER Reports".
  4. Click on "Sushi" (top right).  The SUSHI credentials will appear on the next page.

Gale Cengage

Information is at

If you are at an Ontario college that had a Gale account before the Knowledge Ontario account was created, use that account name as your Requester ID instead of the Knowledge Ontario one that starts with "ko_acd_".

For all Ontario colleges, your Customer ID is: loc|ko_acd_xxx (replace "xxx" with your account code).

Highwire Press

Instructions at

IEEE Xplore

  1. Login to your admin account.
  2. On the left sidebar, "Manage Account" > "Manage SUSHI" (see a screen shot in this PDF document).
  3. Click the edit icon next to your choice of "Available SUSHI Partners".  Follow the instructions.

IGI Global


  1. SUSHI URL =
    (unless you use Ex Libris or Alma, in which case use:
  2. Login to admin account.
  3. From the menu at left, click "Account Information".
  4. Scroll down to “Sushi Harvesting”.
    Requester ID and Customer ID should be listed for your institution.

Documentation here.

Mark Allen Group (MAG Online)

  1. Login to admin account (top right).
  2. At left, click under "INSTITUTIONAL SETTINGS", click on "Usage reports"
  3. SUSHI credentials will appear.

Mary Ann Liebert

  1. Login to admin account (top right).
  2. Under "INSTITUTIONAL SETTINGS", click on "Usage Reports". Your SUSHI credentials are displayed at the top of the page.


  1. Login to admin account.
  2. At right sidebar, click on "Options" and "Sushi Setup".
  3. Click "Generate Token".
  4. Click on the folder icon ("Open in Swagger") to be redirected to a page with the server URL, requestor_id and customer_id.
  5. The SUSHI service URL is:

The token expires every 2 years so must be regenerated if it expires.

Oxford University Press

  1. Login to admin module by clicking on profile icon at top right and choose "Sign in as administrator" in the drop-down list. 
  2. Click the profile icon at top right and choose "Usage Statistics" from the drop-down list.
  3. Click on your institution name at top right, and choose "SUSHI" from the drop-down list.
  4. Your SUSHI credentials will appear.

Project MUSE

  1. Login to admin module.
  2. Click on "Statistics" at top, and "My Library's Statistics".
  3. SUSHI credentials will appear at the bottom of the page.


  1. Login to admin account.
  2. At left, click "Usage Reports".
  3. Click "Get SUSHI API Key".  
  4. Click "+ Get SUSHI API Key" to generate a key.
  5. SUSHI URL: (double-check on this Ex Libris page)

This service requires your institution's account number as the Customer ID and Requester ID, plus API key.


ProQuest Ebook Central

  1. Login to admin module.
    • The admin module URL is unique to each subscriber but will be in this form:
      https://[your account name]
    • To find your account name, it is embedded in your database access URL:[your account name]/
  2. At top right, “Settings” > “System”.
  3. Your SUSHI credentials will be on that page.

Psychiatry Online

  1. Login to admin module.
  2. On the left side bar, click on "Usage Reports".
  3. SUSHI credentials will appear on the page.

SAE Mobilus

  1. Login to admin module.
  2. Click "Administration"
  3. In the card called "Reports", click "View Reports"
  4. In the card called "COUNTER 5 Reports Current (AUDITED)", click "View SUSHI API Info"
  5. Your API key will appear.
    Your Customer ID is the number that appears in this statement, "Here is your API Key for this selected subscription (XXXXXX)".
    The Customer ID is also your Platform ID.
    The SUSHI URL is


  1. Login to admin module.
  2. Click on usage icon (bar graph).  Your "SUSHI Service" information will appear.
  3. Look up the service URL here.

Springer Nature

  1. Login to admin module.
  2. Click "Usage".
  3. Scroll down to "Automated COUNTER data downloads".
  4. Click on the link for instructions on Github
  5. Customer ID = [your "Business Partner ID"0.  To see this number, login to the admin module and click on your account name at top right.
  6. Read the section called, "Parameters" to get the API key.

Taylor & Francis

  1. SUSHI URL =
  2. Login to admin account (top right).
  3. Click on "Your account" > “Account settings” (top right).
  4. On the side bar, under “Institutional Account”, click “Usage reports”.
    Requester ID and Customer ID should be listed for your institution.

Wiley Online Library

  1. Login to admin account (top right).
  2. Click on account name (top right), and choose "Institutional Administration".
  3. Click on "Usage Reports" (sidebar).  The SUSHI URL will appear on the page.
  4. The Requestor ID is your email address. 
  5. The Customer ID is your account number.  To see your account number, in the sidebar, click on "Institutional Details" and scroll down to see your "Customer ID".

Need Help?

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Eva McDonald
Centennial College
P.O. Box 631, Station A
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M1K 5E9
Subjects: General
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